Daily Kosflipped into Daily Kos Trending5 days agoWhen Elon Sees Karma, Where do We Celebrate?dailykos.com - by msaroffRight wing racist ass-whipe Jean Marie Le Pen has taken up residence in Hell at the age on 96, and the people of Paris are celebrating. It’s one hella …
Slashgearflipped into SlashGearThe Apple + HP iPod Partnership Everyone Forgot Aboutslashgear.com - David BixenspanWhen Apple released the original iPod in 2001, it was a game changer. Portable music players capable of playing MP3 files had been on the market for …
Council on Foreign Relationsflipped into The Latest From the Council on Foreign RelationsKamala Harris and the Glass Cliffcfr.org - Linda RobinsonThere is much to understand about the 2024 U.S. presidential election and the resounding defeat that American voters handed to Kamala Harris and the …
POLITICOflipped into PoliticsWhat do America’s other Kamalas think of Harris?verified_publisherPOLITICO - Jessica PiperWomen who share the vice president’s first name on what her candidacy means. Growing up in rural Ohio, Kamala Mohammed often went by the name, Kami. Her parents chose her name to honor the heritage of her father, an immigrant from Trinidad of Indian descent, but also because it was easily anglicized. …