
Low-Waste Gardening

Reduce plastic, save money, support the ecosystem and repurpose materials. Many of the strategies in this Storyboard surpass the definition of sustainability—to do no harm—and actually regenerate the environment by adding more to the Earth than they remove.

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Curated by
Anne-Marie Bonneau
    • Insects
    • Gardening
    • DIY
    • Soil
    • Zero Waste
Low-Waste Gardening
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9 stories in this Storyboard

    garden on the cheap

    13 Tips for Plastic Free Gardening on the Cheap

    13 Tips for Plastic Free Gardening on the Cheap

    return resources to the yard

    Upcycle fabric in your garden

    Plant Natives to Support the Food Web

    What's the Rush? The Solution To the Biodiversity Crisis

    What's the Rush? The Solution To the Biodiversity Crisis

    Doug Tallamy presents the grassroots science-based solution to the biodiversity crisis and explains why it's so urgent.

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