youngk12 hours agoTrump Tears Into Harris Over Her Medical Records—While Refusing to Release His OwnThe Daily Beast - Will NealImpervious as ever to irony, Donald Trump is trying to weaponize his opponent’s medical records against her while staunchly refusing to release his …
youngk12 hours agoTrump Stands Awkwardly on Stage Listening to Music for 40 Minutes After Rally Attendees Pass Out: ‘Would Anybody Else Like To Faint?’ - Charlie NashFormer President Donald Trump stood awkwardly on stage and listened to music for nearly 40 minutes on Monday after several rally attendees fainted due …
youngkNowDoomsday and Democracy: Former Trump Aides Warn of Secret Presidential Crisis PowersTIME - Brian BennettLocked away in a classified safe on the White House grounds is a stack of papers crafted over decades with the hope that no one would ever use them. It lists the extraordinary powers a President may be authorized to use in the event of a nuclear attack or other massive catastrophe. Among the select …
youngk13 hours agoIt’s the Most-Hated Airline in America. You’re Not Going to Like What Happens When It’s - Scott NoverYou might never get on its planes—but it’s already done more for you than you know.
youngk12 hours agoThe Kavanaugh - Judd LegumOver the last few years, the Supreme Court majority has issued a series of rulings that have fundamentally reshaped America — ending federal …
youngk15 hours agoJD Vance Thinks Social Media Bans Are Tyranny—Except When They Benefit HimThe Bulwark - Cathy YoungDisinformation, censorship, and hypocrisy. JD VANCE’S REPEATED REFUSAL to answer a straightforward question—“Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 …