The sniper plays a specialized role on the battlefield. Snipers are often sent to eliminate enemy combatants from afar while remaining far away from …
The Longest Sniper Kills In History
The sniper plays a specialized role on the battlefield. Snipers are often sent to eliminate enemy combatants from afar while remaining far away from any direct danger. Snipers usually strike from positions that give them a long field of view and offer some concealment.
During the Second World War, more women than ever before entered the Canadian workforce outside the home. This drastically changed the role of women …
China currently maintains the largest army in the world, commanded by a single country, with 2.18 active military personnel. India, the United …
Since the country's formation following the American Revolutionary Era, the United States has been regarded by most of the outside world as a …
The military is also known as the armed forces and consist of the Navy, Army, and the Air Force. The three forces are commissioned to use deadly …