In the history of humankind, there have been many great empires. Some rose quickly to prominence, and others took centuries to expand before …
The 10 Most Long-Lived Empires In History
The world has had empires almost since the beginning of human history. Several empires have achieved global status, with territories spanning more than one continent. History has also shown that some empires last longer than others. Some last just a few years, while others last centuries. This article combines a list of the longest-lasting empires in the history of mankind.
Throughout history, various civilizations have sought to expand their influence and power beyond their original territorial confines. Many such …
Throughout Indian history, the subcontinent has seen the birth of some of the greatest and most vast empires in the ancient world some of these …
The Russian Empire was a vast empire that once spanned large parts of Europe and Asia. It began in the 13th century as the small principality of …
The Great Empire The Roman Empire was a large political territory that helped shape modern-day western civilization. It was under control of the …
What Was the Ottoman Empire? The Ottoman Empire was first established in the northwestern region of present-day Anatolia by Osman, a tribal leader, in …
The enormous Persian Empire stretched across today’s Iran, Turkey, Egypt as well as parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Empire was also called the …