Discover the many ways that climate change is impacting the health of individuals and communities—and meet the activists pushing for change.
Introducing The Climate Issue
Well+Good's latest launch is our call to action: With the stories within these "pages," we’re calling attention to the ways climate change is impacting our environments, communities, and bodies—and we’re calling on you to roll up your sleeves. Because one common refrain of our reporting was that we can still make a difference. People who really, really know their stuff repeatedly told us that individual actions and large-scale changes are both necessary in order to to preserve our planet.
Dana Gunders, executive director at ReFed, shares actionable food waste tips to practice in your own kitchen to help cut your waste at home.
How starting a grassroots climate change advocacy group quelled my climate anxiety and made me more hopeful about the future.
The ripple effects of microplastics on the planet's ecosystems pose a threat to our own well-being. Scientists break down their mega impact.
Swapping even some of our short drives for a self-care stroll could majorly cut down on carbon emissions.
Utah's Great Salt Lake is the largest saltwater lake in the Western hemisphere. Due to climate change, the lake's very existence—and the ecosystems …
The "climate gap" and corresponding climate anxieties impact communities of color at higher rates. What can be done to change this?
A sustainable-fashion expert breaks down the negative environmental and health effects of petroleum-based fashion, which accounts for a big part of …