Adoptions and sales have soared during the coronavirus pandemic, with no end in sight. Many consumers have found themselves navigating the shopper’s equivalent of an obstacle course to bring home a dog.
Dog days of the pandemic
Dogs have come to our rescue during the pandemic. Their companionship helps to relieve lockdown loneliness and they may be able to sniff out people infected with the coronavirus. But our canine companions could also be struggling to cope with the new normal.
Some dogs are struggling coping with the pandemic. Great, the owners are around all the time. But what’s with the masks?
Some dogs are struggling coping with the pandemic. Great, the owners are around all the time. But what’s with the masks?
When life returns to normal, we must not abandon our pets to loneliness. We love dogs for their friendly natures, but then too often we sentence them to endless hours of solitary confinement.
A “canine surveillance” corps could offer a noninvasive, four-legged method to screen people in airports, businesses or hospitals, researchers say.
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound that comes from hemp. Proponents say that it can be used to address a variety of animal maladies, including anxiety and certain skin conditions.
Canine science aims to increase the success rate for service dogs by analyzing minds, genetics and behavior.
With 12,000 events canceled, competitors still practice, but also chase squirrels A black-and-white border collie with two-tone eyes and a laser focus whipsawed across the Westminster dog show’s agility course in February, bounding over jumps and ducking into tunnels in record time. Named after the …
Humans and dogs alike are coping with a new normal in quarantine. As you venture out for exercise or errands, try this bingo board with your family and friends.