

The fight against the meat industry has been rocky. Can it be won?

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11 stories in this Storyboard
    How Factory Farming Ends

    How Factory Farming Ends

    What if we told you that there is a simple way for humanity to slash climate-warming emissions, help prevent the next pandemic, and simultaneously eradicate one of the most significant moral atrocities of our time — one that nearly all of us bear some responsibility for? We’re talking, of course, …

    Humanity is failing one of its greatest moral tests

    Humanity is failing one of its greatest moral tests

    Vox - Marina Bolotnikova

    If you can stand to think about it long enough, the problem becomes paralyzing. Tens of billions of land animals slaughtered every year; hundreds of millions every day; thousands in the time it takes to read this sentence. The number grows by billions more every year, into multiples that feel as …

    You’re wrong about PETA

    You’re wrong about PETA

    Vox - Jan Dutkiewicz

    Jeremy Beckham remembers the announcement coming over his middle school’s PA system in the winter of 1999: Everyone was to stay in their classrooms because there was an intrusion on campus. A day after the brief lockdown was lifted at Eisenhower Junior High School just outside Salt Lake City, the …

    Vegans are radical. That’s why we need them.

    Vegans are radical. That’s why we need them.

    Vox - Jishnu Guha-Majumdar

    Despite decades of advocacy, vegans and veganism remain deeply unpopular, even detested. Many influential animal activists are now debating a question that would have once seemed absurd: Is it worth the movement’s precious time and resources to keep advocating for meatless diets, an apparently lost …

    I’m a Black vegan. Why don’t you see more of us?

    I’m a Black vegan. Why don’t you see more of us?

    Vox - Noella Williams

    In the last few decades, a common stereotype about vegans emerged: that they’re white, care more about animals than people, and serve food that is bland and uninspiring. Such perceptions — some of which are reductive, while others hold a bit of truth — have created a toxic cycle where people of …

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