Portraits of Shelley Duvall in Her High School Yearbook
Shelley Alexis Duvall (July 7, 1949 – July 11, 2024) was born in Houston, Texas. Her mother and father were Bobbie and Robert Duvall. As a young …

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More stories from Robert Duvall
Bill Murray: Maniac for All Seasons
This story originally ran in the April 20, 1978, issue of Rolling Stone. It’s the bottom of the ninth, the last show of the first season for rookie …
- Forbesflipped into Leadership
Kentucky Will Score Big With Accelerated K-12 Education
As high-tech industries pour into Kentucky, they’re bringing a boatload of good jobs with them — an estimated 150,000-plus job openings annually for those with advanced academic credentials. The state has made substantial investments to build up the local workforce so it can fill those positions, …
- Far Out Magazineflipped into Far Out Magazine
The actor Robert Duvall called the hillbilly Orson Welles: “He’s the real deal, that guy”
At time of writing, the great Robert Duvall has yet to announce his retirement from acting. As he began acting in 1952, this means that his …