UserbrainThe mysteries of the - Henry MarshDespite 2,000 years of study, there is still so much we don’t know about how the brain works. Although some early authorities including Aristotle …
UserbrainHow The Brain Shapes Pain And Links Ouch With Emotionverified_publisherNPR - Jon HamiltonWhen Sterling Witt was a teenager in Missouri, he was diagnosed with scoliosis. Before long, the curvature of his spine started causing chronic pain. It was "this low-grade kind of menacing pain that ran through my spine and mostly my lower back and my upper right shoulder blade and then even into …
UserbrainDoing This 1 Thing to Your Brain Could Give You the Memory of a 20-Year-Oldverified_publisherInc Magazine - Wanda ThibodeauxThe technique shows promise regardless of age. I don’t know about you, but when I think of stimulating the brain with electricity, it’s ridiculously hard for me not to call to mind an image of the great Gene Wilder reveling maniacally in his pronouncement of “It’s alive!” in Young Frankenstein. But my …
UserbrainHow Harmful Air Pollution Gets To Our Brainsnewsy.comWatch Video A recent study suggests air pollution is "making us dumber." But how do pollutants get to your brain to harm it in the first place?Early …
UserbrainThe Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brainverified_publisherThe Atlantic - By Ben YagodaScience suggests we’re hardwired to delude ourselves. Can we do anything about it? I am staring at a photograph of myself that shows me 20 years older than I am now. I have not stepped into the twilight zone. Rather, I am trying to rid myself of some measure of my present bias, which is the tendency …
UserbrainSeven (or more) things you didn't know about your brainMedical News Today - Maria Cohut, Ph.D.The brain — the central “control unit” of our bodies, repository of memories and emotions. Throughout history, philosophers have believed that the …