UngweruChiedzaCOVID-19 recovery: Civil society voices more crucial than ever | UNCTADunctad.orgCivil society organizations should play an active role in forging a new path forward from the COVID-19 crisis, one in which everyone must feel …
UngweruChiedzaCivil society in the post-pandemic world - Blogtransparency.orgThis blog is part of our series, Tracking the Trillions, which takes a closer look at how the IMF can tackle corruption, while promoting transparency …
UngweruChiedzaFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoCivil Society Organisations during and after COVID-19: what challenges and what future? | AGE Platformage-platform.eu
UngweruChiedza3 reasons why civil society is essential to COVID-19 recoveryverified_publisherWorld Economic Forum - Johanna RickAs countries begin easing COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures, calls to not “go back to normal” are getting louder. The pandemic has exposed systemic …
UngweruChiedzaHow can civil society shape a better future from the Covid-19 crisis?bond.org.uk - Author: Mustafa Al-SoufiThe Covid-19 pandemic has revealed fundamental cracks in the global system. It has brought inequality within and between countries into sharp relief, …