Charlie HelpsUndefined's next-gen "silent" ion propulsion drone: still - By Loz BlainWith two successful flight tests in the bag, and just under US$2 million in seed funding, Florida company Undefined Technologies has unveiled the …
Charlie HelpsInformation is - David McCandlessHow long until the Sun turns into a black dwarf? How long before the Earth is destroyed? Don’t lose too much sleep over these. Why? Because …
Charlie HelpsCoral is Google’s quiet initiative to enable AI without the cloudverified_publisherThe Verge - James VincentOn-device AI promises to make computers faster and more secure AI allows machines to carry out all sorts of tasks that used to be the domain of humans alone. Need to run quality control on a factory production line? Set up an AI-powered camera to spot defects. How about interpreting medical data? …
Charlie HelpsScientists use stem cells from frogs to build first living robotsverified_publisherThe Guardian - Ian SampleResearchers foresee myriad benefits for humanity, but also acknowledge ethical issues
Charlie HelpsHow to Do Strategic Planning Like a Futuristverified_publisherHarvard Business Review - Amy WebbChief strategy officers and those responsible for shaping the direction of their organizations are often asked to facilitate “visioning” meetings. This helps teams brainstorm ideas, but it isn’t a substitute for critical thinking about the future. Neither are the one-, three-, or five-year …
Charlie HelpsA Genetic Dating App Is a Horrifying Thing That Shouldn’t Existverified_publisherVICE - By Janus RoseFor marginalized people, the tech world’s constant barrage of “innovations” is getting exhausting. It seems like every week, science and tech pioneers are revealing new projects that pose a clear threat to anyone not white, cisgender, or male—whether it’s porn deepfakes or algorithms that judge …