The scene in a small Polish border town is harrowing as thousands of Ukrainians flee in one of the fastest human migrations in decades.
TNR's Coverage of the Fight for Ukraine
Our analysis and opinion of Russia's invasion of Ukraine includes the political and economic implications, as well as oil markets, climate change, and the refugee and humanitarian crisis.
The Kremlin propped up Alexander Lukashenko after Belarusians tried to oust from office. He's now dragged his nation into the invasion.
Half a million people have already fled Ukraine. How can the U.S. respond?
Germany’s striking move over the weekend is an example the United States must follow. It’s time to end the neoliberal free trade regime.
Forget Russia’s tanks. Its economy is more vulnerable, and our economic sanctions are more potent, than we knew.
Democratic lawmakers have swung behind a deranged plan to kick kids out of the U.S. that mirrors the Trump-era policies they previously decried.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will be a windfall for the U.S. oil and gas industry, and one corporate giant can barely contain its glee.
American oil and gas companies want to use the conflict in Ukraine to keep Europe dependent on fossil fuels for decades to come.
There's much more coverage from our journalists on the Ukraine invasion, American politics, inequality, climate change, and culture.