The Little FactsWhat Does it Mean When you Dream About a Tsunami? - Totally the - Susan BynesThe tsunami is far from the good old waves rolling gently towards the beach. It is a gigantic, powerful force that can destroy an entire city in …
The Little FactsWhat Does it Mean When you Hear Your Name? - Totally the - Susan BynesWhat is your name? It is probably the first thing you learned to say about yourself. Early on in our lives, we learn to respond to our names. This …
The Little FactsWhat Does it Mean When Your Nose Itches? Superstition and Spiritual Meaning - Totally the - Susan BynesBodily sensations are often explained using scientific and medical terms. However, people are not mere bodies. The body is also a vessel for our mind …
The Little FactsAngel Number 1016 In Love & Career: Why am I Seeing Angel Number 1016 Everywhere? - Totally the - Susan BynesAngel Number 1016 has been appearing all over lately, and it’s not just because it’s a cool number. In fact, many people believe that it has …
The Little FactsWhat Does it Mean When you Hear Knocking? The Spiritual Meaning Behind it - Totally the - Susan BynesKnock, knock! Who’s there? Doughnut who? Doughnut worry, we are here to give you the answers. The knocking sound is intended to let you know that someone …
The Little FactsWhat Does it Mean When You Find a Quarter? - Totally the - Susan BynesAre you that person who simply stumbles upon coins in the most unthinkable places and situations? You cannot help but wonder if the universe is …