Compelling new research from Harvard suggests your time on the toilet might influence your brain health. Maybe you’ve heard someone say they do their …
Pooping This Often May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk
A doctor to the stars says emotions can be one of the worst causes of inflammation that leads to disease. Here's his secret to recalibrate your …
Keeping the ecosystem in your belly happy might have an impact on your risk for developing a particular neurological disease that 500,000 Americans …
Stress got you racing to the bathroom in a pinch? Find out from health experts if it's just frazzled nerves—or something else. If you’ve suddenly got …
Berries and broccoli are brain-boosting superstars. But plenty of foods are bad for your brain, robbing memory and sapping your smarts. You probably …
An apple a day? Quite possibly: research has linked a particular category of foods with improved brain health, among more impressive benefits. While …