The Focusflipped into HEALTHBrain isn't the only part of the body that forms memories, says studyThe Focus - Chaitra KrishnamurthyCognitive functions such as memory, learning, and information processing, traditionally associated with the brain, can also be found in the other …
The Focusflipped into LIFESTYLE3 things to remove from your diet if you suffer with restless leg syndromeThe Focus - Molly YoungIf you are struggling with restless leg syndrome, a doctor’s expert advice recommends removing three main things from your diet, and they happen to …
The Focusflipped into THE FOCUS.Warning sign diabetes is causing a problem in your mouth and when to see a doctorThe Focus - Molly YoungNo one likes the dentist but everyone knows keeping your mouth clean is important, and even more so for people with diabetes since high blood sugar …
The Focusflipped into scienceStoryboardYou can 'prevent' ADHD symptoms in children with specific parenting techniqueCurated byThe FocusResearchers say parents can “break down the pathways” that lead to ADHD with engaged parenting behavior.
The Focusflipped into Home & Garden4-step guide to defrosting your freezer like a pro, including one genius trickThe Focus - Bruno CookeIs your freezer full of ice and frost? Did you get wet socks the last time you tried to defrost it?Defrosting the freezer is no one’s favorite chore, …
The Focusflipped into HEALTHADHD symptoms can be ‘prevented’ in children by ditching conventional parenting, says studyThe Focus - Chaitra KrishnamurthyChildren with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) display specific behaviors and parents can help prevent the symptoms from developing …