Evan TakoyakiTen Isolated, Gravity-Defying Monasteries You Can Visit Around the WorldSmithsonian Magazine - Shoshi ParksFor centuries, monks have sought solitude and isolation on their path to spiritual enlightenment, choosing some of the most remote places on the …
Evan TakoyakiCarl Sagan Predicts the Decline of America: Unable to Know “What’s True,” We Will Slide, “Without Noticing, Back into Superstition & Darkness” (1995)openculture.com - OCThere have been many theories of how human history works. Some, like German thinker G.W.F. Hegel, have thought of progress as inevitable. Others have …
Evan TakoyakiI Moved Abroad For A Better Life. Here’s What I Found Disturbing During My First Trip Back To America.HuffPost - Lauren McDonnell“The hardest part wasn’t seeing these differences – it was realizing I could never unsee them.” I had my first panic attack on I-85 in Atlanta. Gripping the steering wheel of my huge SUV rental car, surrounded by six lanes of aggressive traffic near Midtown, my chest tightened as my brain struggled …
Evan TakoyakiMahatma Gandhi’s List of the Seven Social Sins; or Tips on How to Avoid Living the Bad Lifeopenculture.com - OCIn 590 AD, Pope Gregory I unveiled a list of the Seven Deadly Sins – lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride – as a way to keep the flock …
Evan TakoyakiThree Lessons From Ancient Greek Philosopher Aristotle on Friendshipgreekreporter.com - guestHuman beings have always prized friendship. As the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote: “no one would choose to live without friends,” even if …
Evan TakoyakiAspire To Become A Deep Thinker Via Use Of Generative AI And The Legendary Socratic MethodForbes - Lance EliotIn today’s column, I identify how you can use generative AI and large language models (LLMs) as a vital tool for becoming a deep thinker. The notion is straightforward. You would regularly engage in conversations with generative AI to significantly aid and deepen your thinking processes. This might …