Since her debut back in 1985, Princess Peach – also occasionally known as Princess Toadstool – has become an integral part of the "Super Mario Bros." franchise. While Peach's first appearance showed her as a damsel in distress, she's certainly experienced a transformation since her debut. Only adults would have noticed the subtle changes in her character, as they've been there from the beginning to see her evolution.
Very Adult Things Most Kids Don’t Notice About Princess Peach
While Peach's first appearance showed her as a damsel in distress, she's certainly experienced a transformation since her debut. Only adults would have noticed the subtle changes in her character, as they've been there from the beginning to see her evolution. With Peach taking a more active role in 2023's "The Super Mario Bros. Movie," it's a good time to take a look back at some details about her character that the kids might not pick up on.