The following streamers found themselves accidentally showing the world a little bit more than they'd intended. In some cases, the consequences included suspensions from their chosen streaming platform. Others only had to deal with their friends and subscribers giving them a hard time. In all of these incidents, the streamers involved have expressed a bit of embarrassment at the accidental reveals, even when things worked out alright. Here are some of the most infamous wardrobe malfunctions to ever happen live on stream.
Livestream Wardrobe Malfunctions That Shocked Everyone
Livestreaming can be a risky endeavor. It's a lot like theatre in some ways; even when you're at the top of your game, there's always the chance that something could go wrong. Because it's all happening in real time, livestream bloopers can be much more embarrassing than any other kind. Add in some accidentally nudity to the equation, and you've got yourself a recipe for (occasionally hilarious) disaster.