A German airport has ground to a halt (pun intended) as a plane freezes to the runway as it tries to take off. A snowstorm brought Munich airport to a …
German plane about to take off freezes on runway in wild footage
A snowstorm brought Munich airport to a standstill – and the footage is pretty wild.
Plane spotted doing snow drifts and donuts in mind-blowing viral video In an incredible video showing immense skill on the behalf of the pilot, check …
This probably isn’t the news you want to hear if you’re getting on a plane soon. A US-bound plane took off from London last month with four damaged …
If ever proof were needed why pilots get paid so well, this is it. Spectacular footage has emerged of a pilot skilfully landing an Airbus at what’s …
This is the incredible moment a flight instructor coached a 21-year-old student pilot on how to land her damaged plane. Student pilot Taylor Hash was …