“Innovators: Those who think of amazing things that could be done with technology, then build the technology to make it possible.
Early Adopters: The risk takers who see the full potential in technology. Early adopters see the opportunity and high returns in technology utilization.
Early Majority: Regarded as pragmatists, the early majority looks to their peer group to look for successful ideas. They watch the innovators and early adapters and trust that they will have tweaked the product to meet their needs.
Late Majority: The late majority is conservative; they will not buy in until the technology is no longer state-of-the art. Instead, the technology is a common place when they choose to adopt it.
Laggards: Laggards are the skeptics. The last group is grudgingly forced to use technology when they have no choice but to use it.” http://blog.atomiclearning.com/the-tech-adoption-curve-in-special-education
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