The early universe experienced a phase of rapid expansion, known as inflation. For decades, cosmologists assumed that this expansion was powered by a …
New Insights into the Mechanics of the Early Universe
The early universe experienced a phase of rapid expansion, known as inflation. For decades, cosmologists assumed that this expansion was powered by a new entity in the universe, known as the inflaton. But new research suggests that it may have been possible to inflate the universe without anything new powering that inflation.
"The Hubble tension is now a Hubble crisis." The mystery of the Hubble tension has deepened with the startling finding that the Coma Cluster of …
Because we haven't found anything yet, we've started to wonder if dark matter might be lighter or heavier than we thought. Dark matter can't be too …
The mighty telescope is expected to see its "first light" by 2028. The frame of the dome that will house the world's largest telescope has been …
Genesis data is now producing high impact science in cosmochemistry, solar physics, coronal mass ejections, and space weathering. In the beginning … …