
Mystery Drone Sightings Stir Eerie Parallels to 'War of the Worlds'

The panic in New Jersey and across the nation is very real as there is still no explanation for the multiple drone sightings over the state. Reports of these drones have poured in nightly after the first sighting on Nov. 18, 2024, and the source of the drones is still a mystery.

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    • U.S. Military
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    • U.S. Dept. of Defense
    • The Pentagon
Mystery Drone Sightings Stir Eerie Parallels to 'War of the Worlds'
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    86 years after infamous 'War of the Worlds' broadcast, visitors in the sky have New Jersey panicking again

    86 years after infamous 'War of the Worlds' broadcast, visitors in the sky have New Jersey panicking again

    "'War of the Worlds' has become a huge part of local folklore in that part of the state, so anything touching on the subject of UFOs is going to …

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