
One Of History's Strangest Tech Mysteries: The Baghdad Battery

A Baghdad battery is not a brand of car battery you can grab off the shelf at your local auto parts store, but the story surrounding these so-called bygone "batteries" is as perplexing as trying to ferret out why your car won't start. Four of these 5-inch-tall ceramic jars were initially found inside a grave in 1936, close to where a new rail line was being built at the time. It was also located near what was once the royal city of Ctesiphon, about 20 miles southeast of modern-day Baghdad. 

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One Of History's Strangest Tech Mysteries: The Baghdad Battery
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    One Of History's Strangest Tech Mysteries: The Baghdad Battery

    One Of History's Strangest Tech Mysteries: The Baghdad Battery

    A Baghdad battery is not a brand of car battery you can grab off the shelf at your local auto parts store, but the story surrounding these so-called …

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