
5 Things You Didn't Realize The Apple Music App Could Do

While Apple Music isn't the most used streaming service for music, it has come a long way since the days of iTunes, which only had a fraction of the features. For some users, it's enough to simply listen to music and nothing else. Others want more from their music apps. Well, just as there are things users didn't realize their iPhone Calendar app can do, Apple Music holds a few secrets of its own. There are some features you won't know about unless you do some digging.

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5 Things You Didn't Realize The Apple Music App Could Do
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    5 Things You Didn't Realize The Apple Music App Could Do

    5 Things You Didn't Realize The Apple Music App Could Do

    The Apple Music app is one of the biggest music streaming platforms on the market, and if you use it, here are five things you may not realize it can do.



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