Yvonne Craig was only in one episode of "Star Trek," and she put in great work, but she was mighty scared that remasters might show something... unseemly.
Yvonne Craig Was Understandably Worried About Star Trek's Blu-Ray Release
In 2006, CBS began the meticulous process of remastering the original "Star Trek" for release on Blu-ray and on HD DVD. Of course, seeing "Star Trek" with a crystal clear digital image wasn't necessarily what the show's creators or actors had in mind. A lot of the show's more shoddy visuals could easily be hidden in TV signal fuzz, and actors' blemished would go mercifully unnoticed. This last point caused a moment of concern for actress Yvonne Craig, who played Marta in "Whom Gods Destroy."
“Star Trek” actor Yvonne Craig got a hilarious piece of cold comfort from Leonard Nimoy after a makeup mishap led to her eyebrows being shaved off.
With the 1966 “Batman” TV series dropping in ratings, executives came up with Batgirl/Barbara Gordon (Yvonne Craig) in the hopes of keeping the show alive.
While J.J. Abrams remains proud of his first "Star Trek" movie, he wishes he gave Eric Bana more to do as the vengeful Romulan Nero.
The original “Star Trek” series carries many memorable episodes, but only 21 have made the cut here as the best of the best.
TV has always been the best place to get lost in sci-fi worlds. Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, The X-Files, and every other nerdy show is what we’re all about.