
Rod Serling Turned A Newspaper's Typo Into A Brand-New Twilight Zone Character

Most episodes of Rod Serling's "The Twilight Zone" are of the tense, mysterious variety. To take a break from the overarchingly grim nature of the episodes, Serling occasionally injected moments of levity. In 1961, the season 2 episode "Mr. Dingle, the Strong" delighted audiences with an unusual story about a man who is gifted with superhuman strength by a group of visiting aliens. How exactly did the foundational idea for "Mr. Dingle" come about? The answer lies in a newspaper.

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Rod Serling Turned A Newspaper's Typo Into A Brand-New Twilight Zone Character
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    Rod Serling Turned A Newspaper's Typo Into A Brand-New Twilight Zone Character

    Rod Serling Turned A Newspaper's Typo Into A Brand-New Twilight Zone Character

    Gather around and hear the story of how Rod Serling came up with “The Twilight Zone” episode “Mr. Dingle, the Strong.”

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