AvatarshandilaHow Do I Deal with Low Performers on My Team?verified_publisherHarvard Business ReviewA leader whose team is underperforming must learn how to enforce accountability – even if it feels uncomfortable.
AvatarshandilaNew Work & Digitales Arbeiten: Aufwachen Deutsche Manager!berufebilder.de - Gast-AutorenAccenture, Google und Microsoft zeigen seit Jahren, wie ein “grenzenloser Arbeitsplatz” funktionieren kann. In Deutschland haben Manager dagegen …
AvatarshandilaTo influence people, make 1 key change in how you talk, says communication expert: It puts you 'in a position of power'verified_publisherCNBC - Megan SauerSome people think asking questions — to friends, peers or bosses — can make you look weak or insecure. But the simple act can actually help you garner …
AvatarshandilaWhy ‘No’ Leaders Are Outperforming ‘Yes’ Leaders In The WorkplaceForbes - Cheryl Robinson, ContributorThe “yes” approach often hinders strategic decision-making, diluting focus and resources. Here’s why leaders should say “no” more often.
AvatarshandilaWant to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? Foster These Mindsets And You Willverified_publisherEntrepreneur - Magdalena Nowicka MookReframe confidence, find mentors and fight the impulse to do it alone to achieve your greatest success. Anybody who steps into an entrepreneurial role can be successful if they realize their potential and adopt the mindset to believe it. I have seen this in practice. I have seen thousands of …
Avatarshandila16 Important Skills Professionals Need To Build ‘Future-Proof’ CareersForbes - Expert Panel®With automation, artificial intelligence and remote work increasingly becoming norms, smart professionals are equipping themselves with versatile toolkits of skills to “future-proof” their careers. Navigating the job market of the future requires a proactive approach to learning and a keen …