
Cutting-edge science: 7 ideas you need to know about in 2021

From life-saving viruses to spaceship swarms to virtual reality therapy, here's our pick of the scientific research to look out for in the year ahead.

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Cutting-edge science: 7 ideas you need to know about in 2021


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8 stories in this Storyboard
    What you need to know about the science of 2021

    What you need to know about the science of 2021

    Editor Dan Bennett explains the science he’s looking forward to reading about this year.

    In depth

    Quick primers on some of the most exciting research happening right now

    The best way to kill a superbug? Weaponise a virus

    The best way to kill a superbug? Weaponise a virus

    With the medical world struggling to treat antibiotic-resistant infections, could scientists turn to a group of viruses that explode bacterial cells from within?

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