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Stacey Ashlund and 7 others

Women in politics

Democratic women in political office are essential to a positive future for this country. Hillary Clinton has taken the majority of all the slings and arrows for decades - but she is not alone in her efforts to be a strong successful female leader in this country. Senators Gillibrand, Hirono, Mikulski, Mccaskill, Shaheen, Duckworth, Warren & Klobuchar & Kamala Harris are serving, but most people don't even know their names. Here we share stories of successful women running or serving in all levels...

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Photo: i.guim.co.uk

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    Some 40 years ago, Florida elected its first woman to U.S. Senate. Will Val Demings be the second? • Florida Phoenix

    Some 40 years ago, Florida elected its first woman to U.S. Senate. Will Val Demings be the second? • Florida Phoenix

    It’s been about four decades since a Florida woman — Republican Paula Hawkins of the Orlando area — was elected to the U.S. Senate for one term. What …

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    Stacey Ashlund
  • https://twitter.com/AthenaSalman/status/1509249188978040833/photo/1

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    Stacey Ashlund
  • https://twitter.com/RepAOC/status/1509298887835758598/video/1

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    Stacey Ashlund
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Women in politics

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