Avatar - Stacey Ashlund

Stacey Ashlund

I curate news & info about #WomenInPolitics here. I tweet about #WomenInPolitics, Usher Syndrome, Education, Inclusion, Gun Control & more at @sashlund







  • Avatar - Stacey Ashlund
    Stacey Ashlund
    flipped into Women in politics
    Some 40 years ago, Florida elected its first woman to U.S. Senate. Will Val Demings be the second? • Florida Phoenix

    Some 40 years ago, Florida elected its first woman to U.S. Senate. Will Val Demings be the second? • Florida Phoenix

    It’s been about four decades since a Florida woman — Republican Paula Hawkins of the Orlando area — was elected to the U.S. Senate for one term. What …

  • https://twitter.com/noliewithbtc/status/1509253599724978184?s=12&t=TA5QMIijinGOR8dvhcDT3g

    Avatar - Stacey Ashlund
    Stacey Ashlund
  • https://twitter.com/AthenaSalman/status/1509249188978040833/photo/1

    Avatar - Stacey Ashlund
    Stacey Ashlund
  • https://twitter.com/RepAOC/status/1509298887835758598/video/1

    Avatar - Stacey Ashlund
    Stacey Ashlund