al-Zaytuna by Salvo Micciché: The courtyard of the al-Zaytûna mosque, in Tunis.
Impressions of Tunisia at 28mm
Réportage by Salvo Micciché: «From 9 to 20 January, with the team of prof. Giovanni Di Stefano, I participated in the excavation of the Italian-Tunisian Archaeological Mission in Carthage (info on Ondaiblea). During breaks from work (archeology, but also photographic réportage) I was able to visit some important parts of the cultural and architectural heritage of Tunisia, in particular Tunis, with its al-Medina and the al-Zaytûna mosque, Carthage (obviously) with the port, the Roman Villas...»
People in Tunis by Salvo Micciché: Women walking after shopping, in Tunis, Africa
Silverware seller by Salvo Micciché: A silverware seller, in the Medina of Tunis.
Happy butchers in Tunisia by Salvo Micciché: Two Tunisian butcher friends, happy and proud of their work, in Zaghouan, Tunisia
Carthage, Museum by Salvo Micciché: A view of the Carthage museum, with the Byrsa in evidence.
Medina by Salvo Micciché: A girl around the shops of the Medina of Tunis
Carthago, Punic and then Roman city by Salvo Micciché: One of the most beautiful walls of the Carthage museum, with Roman and Punic remains.