Ragusa, 25 gennaio 2023 — From 9 to 20 January, with the team of prof. Giovanni Di Stefano, I participated in the excavation of the Italian-Tunisian …
Historical photography: documenting the past. Tunisia "Roman Africa"
Archaeology is the study of the past, through excavations and books but also through photographic documentation, with the aim of preserving and protecting heritage, in collaboration with superintendencies and government institutes. An interesting case is that of Tunisia, which is not only a great heritage of Arab and Berber cultural traditions, but also the evolution of what was Roman Africa, with Carthage (already Punic and Phoenician) and then Maktar, Tuburbo Maius...
Carthage (and nowaday Tunis with the Medina)
Carthage, first Phoenician and Punic city, then Roman, queen of the sea. The Roman City, the Byrsa, the Baths (Terme), the Amphitheatre, the Museum, the Tofet...
Une mission archéologique tuniso-italienne de l’INP et de l’Université de Calabre, co-dirigée par le Dr Hamden Ben Romdhane et le prof. Giovanni …
Ragusa, April 28, 2023 — At the showroom of Ottica Spoto (in Ragusa, Piazza Libertà 19) Professor Giovanni Di Stefano and Dr. Salvo Micciché …
Una recente missione archeologica italo-tunisina costituita da un’equipe mista di professionalità tunisine (tra cui le archeologhe Afef Rihai, Maha …
Saint Louis (Carthage 🇹🇳) #verotography #podium #pictas #snap #fotomasters #masterpix #flipboard #fediart #fediphotos #leicacamera #tunisia …
Pavo(-nis), Ville Romane, Carthage 🇹🇳 #verotography #podium #pictas #snap #fotomasters #masterpix #flipboard #fediart #fediphotos #leicacamera …
Archaeology #verotography #podium #pictas #snap #fotomasters #masterpix #flipboard #fediart #fediphotos #leica #BPA_arts #snap_platinum_member …
Shoes in the Medina of Tunis 🇹🇳 #verotography #podium #pictas #snap #fotomasters #masterpix #flipboard #fediart #fediphotos #leica #journalism …
Africa Romana: other sites
Other archaeological sites in Tunisia: Tuburbo Majus (Zaghouan), Maktar, Bulla Regia, Dougga, El Jem, Sbeitla, Utina, Kerkouane, Jebel Ouest...)
Qayrawan ancient Arab capital of the Maghreb in the Middle Ages