
Documenting the past with historical photography

History and archaeology reveal the past through excavations, books, and photographic documentation. Historical photographers aim to preserve, protect and convey our heritage in collaboration with cultural stewards and government institutes. These stories show an array of moments, artifacts and people not lost to time. I close with some of my own work in Tunisia, where I was photographer for a Tunisian-Italian archaeological mission.

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Salvo Micciché
    Documenting the past with historical photography
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    10 stories in this Storyboard
      5 Photographers Share Their Tips for Documenting History in the Making

      5 Photographers Share Their Tips for Documenting History in the Making

      Just what goes into memorializing historic events on camera? These five photographers share their secrets for capturing the right moment for …

      A new book unearths a buried history of photography in West Africa

      A new book unearths a buried history of photography in West Africa


      CNN — The dominant perception of early photography from West Africa is that it was taken through a colonizing lens. Of Europeans in the mid-19th century spreading through the arteries of the region, new technology in hand, documenting people and places under the aegis of empire. Of a balance of …


      A storyboard on archaeological sites in Tunisia: Carthage, "Africa Romana" and medieval archaeology

      Historical photography: documenting the past. Tunisia "Roman Africa"

      Historical photography: documenting the past. Tunisia "Roman Africa"

      By Salvo Micciché

      Archaeology is the study of the past, through excavations and books but also through photographic documentation, with the aim of preserving and protecting heritage, in collaboration with superintendencies and government institutes. An interesting case is that of Tunisia, which is not only a great heritage of Arab and Berber cultural traditions, but also the evolution of what was Roman Africa, with Carthage (already Punic and Phoenician) and then Maktar, Tuburbo Maius...

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