SMThere may be far, far more galaxies in the universe than scientists thoughtverified_publisherBusiness Insider - Dave MosherWhen astronomers first trained the Hubble Space Telescope on the deepest, darkest patch of the night sky, they knew they'd find a lot of faint, never-before-seen galaxies. And they did. Ten years of monthslong exposures, taken with different instruments and in different wavelengths of light, …
SMDeep space: Are we smart enough to beat the physics?verified_publisherCNN - Dave GilbertCNN — Imagine something so distant that with our current technology it would take 2,400 generations to reach there – and that’s just our nearest star. Even moving at 10 miles a second, like the Voyager spacecraft launched in the 1970s, it would take around 80,000 years to reach Alpha Centauri – which …
SMExoplanets need right stuff to be - alley“This is a new way of thinking — astronomers don’t think in geology terms,” said Unterborn, an extrasolar planetary scientist at Ohio State …
SMShockwave of an exploding star seen for the first timeverified_publisherCNN - James GriffithsCNN — It lasted only 20 minutes and took place 1.2 billion light years away, but NASA managed to catch it on camera: a star exploding. The brilliant flash of an exploding star’s shockwave – or “shock breakout” – has been captured for the first time in visible light by the Kepler space telescope. An …
SMAPOD: 2016 March 23 - The Great Nebula in - Robert Nemiroff & Jerry BonnellThe Great Nebula in Carina Image Credit & Copyright: Damian Peach/SEN Explanation: In one of the brightest parts of Milky Way lies a nebula where some …