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Roberta Proffitt Lavin

I am a retired U. S. Public Health Service officer that now works in academia. In my career I've lived in 7 states plus DC. I have worked in Federal prisons, Immigration Health, mental health, and disaster preparedness and response. I have volunteered with the Red Cross, domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, and community health clinics. Professionally I am a nurse practitioner, a professor, an administrator, and a policy analyst. Personally, I am the same superimposed on being a wife, a rescuer of cats, and a Catholic who finds peace at a Zen center.







  • Is today the day we say enough? I doubt it.

    Avatar - Roberta Proffitt Lavin
    Roberta Proffitt Lavin
    flipped into Blood of My Brother: A Call to End Gun Worship
    Multiple people have been killed in a shooting in El Paso, Texas, police say

    Multiple people have been killed in a shooting in El Paso, Texas, police say

    CNN — Twenty people were killed and more than two dozen were injured in a mass shooting at an El Paso shopping center on Saturday, according to Texas and local authorities. “Lives were taken who should still be with us today,” Gov. Greg Abbott said at a news conference near the Walmart and an …

  • While I agree with the views expressed I'm a little surprised that she thinks she is the only pro-life woman that holds them or has had enough. I love being Catholic, but I have about had enough of the willingness to accept the rape and sexual assault of men, women, and children by any man that holds up a token pro-life banner.

    If you rape or sexually assault any human being or cover up or condone the same don't call yourself moral or think you are superior in any way. Many of us have been speaking out for a long time. Maybe we need to join together so that we have a stronger voice that makes it hard not to hear us.

    Women for Life Free of Sexual Violence.

    Avatar - Roberta Proffitt Lavin
    Snap. Crackle. Pop. I’ve Had It.

    Snap. Crackle. Pop. I’ve Had It.

    Christian persecution by Boko Haram, a muslim terrorist group, is intense in Northern Nigeria.

  • https://t.co/tVbHtpHv4l

    Avatar - Roberta Proffitt Lavin
    Roberta Proffitt Lavin
  • Good editorial on a bad policy decision to block research on gun violence http://www.dailyastorian.com/editorials/20160328/editorial-gun-violence-epidemic-is-a-public-health-concern#.VvkPlmijh-M.flipboard

    Avatar - Roberta Proffitt Lavin