Of course! These are the President’s Brownshirt shock troops in his war against culture and democracy. The bully needs bully minions to conduct his program of eradication, violent if necessary, of the Democratic Party...
OK. It's the Trump Show
Impossible to avoid Trump, who dominates the news by ever more outrageous behaviors. I try to stick to meaningful, non-lies, and opinions, but occasionally will flip an article that just calls for jaw-dropping wonderment. All this with this understanding: Trump is the result, not the cause. The cause is the decades long degradation of the Republican Party...
Most recent stories in OK. It's the Trump Show
Time to face the truth: Our elected President is an unprecedented disgrace as a human being...
Well, that whole thing went through the right wing spin cycle and all the spin proven utterly false in record time... Face it. This is on Trump and his Republican enablers!
Good idea let’s have a full investigation of every charge and see if those horrible Democrats were lobbing lies... or if, just maybe, the Republicans were covering up the truth.
A Democrat should challenge Graham to back up his “made for the press” accusation!!Sigh... good analysis. We are finally beginning to see the shape of the grave threat facing our form of government. Vote !
And they are all correct. But it does seem as though as long as Trump and his supporters engage in this daily ritual dance, they will continue to believe he’s “got their back,” while he and his cabinet rob our country dry and give away Fort Knox to the their entitled rich class. Then he points to someone — immigrants, football players, Democrats, our global allies — and says “bad” and in paroxysms of fury, they yell in their turn “Lock ‘em up!”