If you stick to Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari, you're missing out on the intriguing extras in the best alternative web browsers.
Beyond Chrome and Safari: The 7 Best Alt Web Browsers We Love
Large tech companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft promote their web browsers on their devices and operating systems, but you don't have to use them. Alternative web browsers—many you may not have heard of before—give you unique and interesting capabilities, such as greater customization, added privacy, and different browsing tools.
a closer look at all of your browser options
Online marketers mine your data and target you for sales. Foil their efforts with the tracking protection and privacy features offered by the top secure browsers we've tested.
Don't take your browser for granted! We help you narrow your options by comparing the best web browsers on speed, privacy, and other important features.
now for some browser hacks
Edge brings unique capabilities to your browsing, including enhanced security, money-saving shopping tools, excellent tab management features, and more.
Safari offers a variety of features and settings to help you navigate and use the web. And you’ll find even more handy options in iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
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