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Patrick Walsh Empire Holdings

Patrick Walsh is a celebrated entrepreneur and CEO based in Palm Beach County, Florida. In 2012, he founded PW Partners, a strategic investment firm focused on elevating small and mid-cap companies. His leadership and focus on the restaurant sector have gained him recognition in major publications such as Barron's and The Wall Street Journal. He embarked on his career in 1998 at Prudential Capital Group, specializing in commercial property and real estate investment trusts. This path led him to a vice president position at Deutsche Bank in investment banking. Following this, he played a pivotal role in a notable hedge fund in Illinois, focusing on long-short equity strategies. In 2012, he relocated to Florida, establishing the headquarters of PW Partners in Jupiter. In addition to his role at PW Partners, he oversees Empire Holdings and Investments, a diversified holding company in Palm Beach County, which he joined in 2020.





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    Patrick Walsh Empire Holdings