Pam HartFlipboard users can now follow anyone in the fediverse, including those on Threadsverified_publisherTechCrunch - Sarah PerezInstagram Threads users are gaining a new audience. On Tuesday, the social magazine app Flipboard took another step toward integrating with ActivityPub, the decentralized social networking protocol that powers services like Mastodon, PixelFed, PeerTube and others. Starting Tuesday, Flipboard users …
Pam HartTop 10 Most Innovative Companies to Watch in - Alex FrostWith technology like artificial intelligence rapidly advancing, it’s hard for companies to stand out in a highly competitive market—but some brands …
Pam HartFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoThe Newsroom Archive - Flipboardverified_publisherInside FlipboardPress Posts Archive - About Flipboard About Flipboard About Flipboard, the world's first social magazine.
Pam HartApple News+ Is Great for Magazine Lovers, But It’s Not the Future of NewsThe Wall Street Journal. - David PierceAn Apple Inc.’s News+ subscription brings you content from magazines and other publications, including this one—but there are serious limitations In some ways, Apple News+, the company’s new all-you-can-read news and magazine subscription service, feels like the same idea that powered the Kindle and …
Pam HartFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoContent Curation Market Thriving Globally with the Top Players (Storyful, Flipboard Inc) in Major Regions like North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific - Market - byFeb 28, 2023