Few creatures command as much awe and fascination in the vast blue expanse of our oceans as sharks. These magnificent predators, with their sleek …
Dangerous Animals To Avoid During Your Next Water Adventure
While sharks have a reputation for aggression, it's important to note that they aren't all deadly human predators. Here are 15 types, ranked by danger level.
If you think of a large creature lurking underwater, silently making its way toward you as it opens its jaws to take a bite, you will likely hear a …
Jellyfish are among the most fascinating creatures in the world. Without brains, hearts, eyes, or bones, they somehow manage to survive and thrive in …
Dolphins are not only incredibly smart but are also magnificent to see up close in the wild. Because of this (and because pretty much everyone who …
All the guides, facts, and conservation tips about animals and their habitats.