AvatarolyseuFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoMedusa: An Undergraduate Journal of Feminist Philosophyapaonline.org - Jill Drouillard & Maryellen Stohlman-VanderveenJill Drouillard is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies at the Mississippi University for Women. Her research …
AvatarolyseuStoryboardUnderstanding HegelCurated byTheCollectorHugely influential yet notoriously tricky to understand, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's philosophy has shaped how we see our world.
Avatarolyseu3 reasons not to be a Stoic (but try Nietzsche instead)theconversation.com - Neil DurrantFor an ancient philosophy, Stoicism is doing extremely well in 2023. Quotes from the Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius litter my …
AvatarolyseuThe Origins Of Stoicismworldatlas.com - Megan DeakToday Stoicism is trendy. Books such as Daily Stoic and Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations have become popular. However, the school of thought is not new. …
Avatarolyseu3 Requirements To Achieve Happiness According to Epictetusworldatlas.com - Megan DeakEvery philosophy deals with happiness in some respect. The philosophy of happiness looks at the nature, existence and attainment of happiness. In …
AvatarolyseuStoryboardWhat is Stoicism and can it still help us today?Curated byTheCollectorStoicism is a philosophy that began in Ancient Greece and still has followers today. It is a way of life that has moral excellence as its ultimate goal.