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jim burton

The Collapsing Climate

➡️Look at this "magazine" as a knowledge base to be passed on to the misinformed masses, not just to flip into other Flipboard magazines, but to also distribute through other social media sources such as Twitter, Facebook, whatever.⬅️Go forth and wise up the clueless sheeples before it is too late to save the planet for your children.✅

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    jim burton

    Avatar - jim burton
    jim burton
  • Avatar - jim burton
    Global coral bleaching event to hit U.S. hard, with no end in sight, scientists warn

    Global coral bleaching event to hit U.S. hard, with no end in sight, scientists warn

    The longest recorded global coral bleaching event is going to get longer and hit closer to home, U.S. scientists said Monday. The ongoing coral bleaching event that has killed or severely injured reefs from the Great Barrier Reef to Hawaii and the Indian Ocean has set its sights on the U.S. during …

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