Ross Rebagliati, an athlete once infamous for briefly losing his Olympic gold medal, now hopes to cash in on his fame in the “green gold rush.”
Canada's Marijuana Legalization
A collection of stories on the legalization of marijuana in Canada, and the broader debate around cannabis use — curated by Lindsey Wiebe, Canada Audience Editor for The New York Times.
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Photo: static01.nyt.comMost recent stories in Canada's Marijuana Legalization
“We need more weed!” a shopkeeper lamented. Suppliers underestimated the demand and didn’t grow enough, retailers said.
Cannabidiol is being touted as a magical elixir, a cure-all now available in bath bombs, dog treats and even pharmaceuticals. But maybe it’s just a fix for our anxious times.
One of the goals of marijuana legalization in Canada was to stamp out the black market. But taming an illegal trade estimated at 5.3 billion Canadian dollars is proving daunting.
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Canada's Marijuana Legalization