
What Does Russia (Really) Want in Ukraine?

The world has been shocked by what most observers view as Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine, a democracy of 44 million people. But Russian President Vladimir Putin cites many provocations that led him to invade his neighbor. Some historians see the war as the culmination of a 30-year struggle to define Europe and Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Learn more about Putin’s intentions, the history of Ukraine and what the Ukrainian people want for their future.

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What Does Russia (Really) Want in Ukraine?
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19 stories in this Storyboard

    Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, several countries (such as Poland) previously under Moscow's sway joined NATO and embraced European democratic ideals. Vladimir Putin views NATO as a threat and wants to rebuild Russia's sphere of influence, including over Ukraine, which has unsuccessfully sought to join NATO. In short, Putin wants a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv. These explainers offer details.

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    Has Putin's war failed and what does Russia want from Ukraine?

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    Putin's Odd Excuse: 'De-Nazify' Ukraine

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    VIDEO: President Zelensky opens up about family killed in Holocaust

    The History of Ukraine

    Learn more about the history of Ukraine, its people and its relationship with Russia.

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