I recently turned 30, which is good because I no longer care about my dwindling friend circle. But it's also bad because I'm old enough to still think …
So Many Words
Language is ever-evolving and new words are getting added to the dictionary more quickly than we can keep up with. We'll help keep you up-to-date on texting etiquette and the words you need to stay in the know.
Thanks! Thanks? Thanks… When you’re reading these, are you hearing the difference? How would you react to these one-word sentences if your friend sent …
Dictionary.com’s finna step into a new world of racial diversity. The site recently updated its database with words from African American Vernacular …
Emojis were created in the 1990s to help people express emotion and tone in writing. But misunderstandings about the use of emojis can also create …
You know a phenomenon has crossed cultural boundaries when it's used by everyone from pop icon Jennifer Lopez to animated Peter Griffin of "Family …