If you’ve ever had mind-blowing sex, then you’ll know all about the after-sex glow. It’s the extra spring in your step, the brighter smile on your …
The one side effect of having sex you might not know about
Has anyone ever complimented your ‘after-sex glow’? They could be on to something real...
Science says women can experience three types of orgasms, proving that the big O is truly an art form. When feeding into those surprising sexual …
Sexual desire is far more complicated than it might seem. Our motivation between the sheets extends beyond orgasms, but what makes us seek out …
Sex is always evolving, and in turn, so are sex myths. There seem to be new sex trends every year, not to mention endless, wild positions. Heck, you …
It’s time to talk about our favorite sex topic: orgasms. While most of us know by now that there’s more to sex than reaching climax, it doesn’t make …
If you've ever felt your legs shaking after sex, there's no need to panic. Along with a raised heartbeat and a slight (or not so much) glimmering of …