Travel to Italy
Embark on a magical journey through Italy's top destinations in this Storyboard. Discover the artistic treasures of Florence, the ancient wonders of Rome, the stunning Amalfi Coast, the fashion capital Milan, and the picturesque Lake Como. Get ready to immerse yourself in the rich culture, history, and beauty of Italy!
Travel to Florence
Travel to Rome
More in Italy
Long story short…screw a Lake Como summer and bring on a Lake Como October! If you’re itching for late summer breezes, half-full ferries and delicious Italian food with no waits, then keep reading for the only itinerary you’ll ever need to visit Lake Como in October.
Hmmm…what to do with an extra day in Italy? How about… pack a bag, book a hostel and head to the only Italian city with both Uber and Starbucks! I love a good Italian cappuccino as much as the next guy, but sometimes a girl just needs a €7 cup of Venti soy and god-knows-what-else to remind her of home and get her through her Ryanair flight. 24 hours is never enough time to really “see” a city, but it’s plenty of time to drink some wine and hit the highlights! Here’s what to do with 24 hours in Milan!
As one of the Mediterranean’s most stunning treasures, the Amalfi Coast is home to sparkling blue waters, colorful cliffside towns, ice-cold …