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Mark Alves
Godfather of the #ashtag, finder of groups' digital mojo, tweeter @markalves, cheerer of the Pittsburgh Steelers ✦✦✦ SEO & analytics for nonprofits.
- Mark Alvesflipped into Practical SEO
SEO AUDIT | Set up a separate browser to see what Googlebot does
Mark Alvesflipped into Practical SEO“Goodbye” is not a combination of good and bye.
It’s actually a whole phrase smooshed together — an elision of “God be with ye.”
—Abraham PiperUppercase letters are called that because they were stored in the upper drawer of the printing press and lowercase in the lower drawer of the printing press.
“Every orchestra is a cover band.”
—/u/CuthbertJTwillie (Reddit)Sharing a link to a song? Use Songlink by Odesli to send a linktree-ish menu with Spotify, Apple and others listed. Works for podcasts, too.
Mark Alvesflipped into TIL