malavolti10 Mind-Blowing Things Your Cat Can Sense That You Can’ - Amanda OBrienLiving with a cat feels like sharing your space with a mysterious creature that seems attuned to vibrations, emotions, and energies that escape us …
malavoltiI've cracked the code on feline love — here are the sweetest ways cats show their - Kathryn WilliamsWhile they may not dish it out in quite the same way we would, cats are always showing us just how much they love us.
malavolti1:12Scientists Confirm That Slow-Blinking at Cats Actually Workstheamazelab - Amaze LabCats might be known for their finicky ways, however in recent years it was widely circulated that by squinting your eyes and slowly blinking at you feline, you were essentially speaking their language. Now a new study provides scientific evidence that it actually works.
malavolti10 Things Your Cat Would Love to Tell You if You Could - Amanda OBrienIf only cats could talk, right? Though they can’t speak our language, our feline friends have plenty to say through their actions! From slow blinks …
malavoltiWhy Scientists Are Crocheting Adorable Wool Hats for - CaLea JohnsonResearchers at the University of Montreal faced a problem when studying chronic pain in cats. Their furry subjects tended to shake off or damage the …
malavolti50 Beautiful Crafts Made By People Who Had Excellent Ideas And Great - Oleksandra Kyryliuk, Ieva PečiulytėIn an age where technology does almost everything, the joy of making something with your own hands feels more rewarding than ever. Yes, it takes time …